Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Overall performance of the company

Is the company showing true performance?
  1. Return On Equity is the company's main objective.
  2. Growth or change is a better indicator.  Hence dynamic ratios is a better analytical tool..
  3. Is growth due to efficiency and competency and not volume?
  4. Is it market or competency driven?
  5. What are the critical performance gaps?  Use ROE Chart
  6. What are the critical competency gaps of the critical job holders?
  7. Use BSC perspective to identify key competency gaps
  8. Use benchmarks to identify key competency gaps ( industry best practices)
  9. Has transfer of competency taken place?  during planning, action and appraisals.
  10. Innovation must be introduced after best practices has been successfully adopted.
Performance could be attributed by either competency or innovation or both.

Arriffin Mansor 012-2786282

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