Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Performance Framework****

A mandatory competency for all executives, managers and CEOs
Managing performance and it's systems

(through measurement and recognition)
  1. ROE as corporate goals and the Du Pont Chart as a check list.
    • 3 key result areas
  2. Best practices through benchmarkings
  3. Test for Critical performance gaps
  4. Performance Improvement Strategies
    • Key performance Indicators
  5. Functional Metrics
  6. Value Chain performance analysis
  7. Input performance analysis
  8. Training Need Analysis through competency gaps
  9. Problem solving and innovation through key result areas.
  10. Performance Targets at all levels.
  11. Strategic Mapping linking key performance areas. (BSC)
  12. Team Performance Measurement and evaluation
  13. Individual scorecard and performance appraisal
Arriffin Mansor 012-2786282
Copyright (c) 2011

Performance tools+++7 steps

Suitable for all job holders
How to manage performance - THE PROCESS
  1. Performance goals -  defined clearly in KPI and KPI measures
  2. Performance gaps - identify the critical performance gaps
  3. Critical success factors or key result areas
  4. Key Performance Indicators - measures
  5. Performance Targets  - SMART based on benchmarking
  6. Performance Evaluation -  actuals against targeted
  7. Improvement Strategies - training or non training factors

  1. The ROE/ROA chart to identify performance gaps and causal factors
    • The CEO's performance
    • the critical success factors and the performance gaps / strengths and weaknesses
    • measure the working and fixed capital efficiency.
  2. The variance analysis of KPI measures to identify both positive and negative gaps
    • against industry standards
    • on the key functional departments
  3. Use the input output graph to identify true performance
    • eliminate impact due to change in volume
  4. Simulate the profit models for optimum matching
  5. Use corporate BSC perspective for the whole business.
    • integrate the functional strategies
  6. Evaluate the value chain and process chains
    • input, process, output and outcome.
  7. Use the 6 key financial ratio analysis

Copyright:   Arriffin Mansor 012-2786282